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my journey highlights

About Me

Hello there! My name is Yasser

“If you are not going to tell the world who you are, the world is not going to tell you, how good you are.”

I am a passionate software developer with over a year of experience. I hold a CS50 certificate in Computer Science from Harvard University, as well as a foundation in digital marketing from Google. Additionally, I have obtained my high school diploma. I derive immense satisfaction from continuously learning about emerging technologies, which fuels my drive to explore new horizons. This curiosity has led me to engage with a diverse range of fields, spanning from web design to mobile application development. My enthusiasm extends to the realm of cybersecurity, where I am currently in the process of deepening my knowledge. Beyond technology, I find joy in crafting intuitive UI/UX designs, playing football and fitness, indulging in video games, and honing my skills in editing. My multifaceted interests have shaped me into a versatile and adaptable individual, always eager to embrace new challenges and expand my skill set.

Tech Stack

Change is inevitable, so I keep on exploring new technology, learn it in a minimal possible way and then build something out of it to see how well I did :)

Mobile development

Web development

Server side


Version controlloing & management

UI/UX Design

stack illustrations


Stuf I'm in loved working with

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Get in touch

Let's build something together :)